CBL League Information
Coaches are required to sign their team up with Jon at CBL. Sam will pay for all team fees at one time. To be sure your team's fees are included in the check, you will need to follow the below instructions:
- Go to the CBL Website
- Registration PDF/Excel is located on the left side of the page under League Information. Print it.
- Fill out the form with required information and email to Drew
- Parent signatures will be collected during picture night or during first week of practices.
- Scan/email or mail form back to Jon. His contact information is on the website.
- If emailing, CC Drew & Sam on the email.
- If mailing, send Drew & Sam an email that your team is registered.
- Prior to Jon releasing schedules, notify Drew with any conflicts or requests...including weekends your team will be in tournaments. He will try and give you a league double-header on weekends when your team is 'tournament free.' Failure to inform Jon of tournaments will cause stress on you, Jon and other teams as every change affects multiple team schedules.